Why would I hire a Professional Organizer?

Does Francine Jay’s quote, “Your home is living space, not storage space.” resonate with you? Do you feel like you don’t have enough room to live in your own home?

Hiring a Professional Organizer may be the best shot for some people living in an organized manner can be challenging.

If you feel frustrated and overwhelmed by the amount of clutter in your home, you’re not alone. Just ask a few of your friends and you’ll likely find that most of them struggle with decluttering and maintaining a peaceful living environment.

For some people living in an organized manner can be challenging for many different reasons. Hiring a Professional Organizer may be the best shot and here is why:


A good professional organizer is always learning; learning about organizing tools and new products and systems. Education, combined with experience and compassion, is what a Professional Organizer will bring to each client.


Professional Organizers work with all kinds of people who have all kinds of organizing challenges. Likely they have seen your situation before and have solutions at-hand.

Fresh Perspective

A Professional Organizer will look at your situation with fresh eyes, seeing it from a different viewpoint. They will be able to bring understanding and creative solutions to your organizing challenges.

Break Down Overwhelm

Clutter is overwhelming. Deciding where to get started can be overwhelming. A Professional Organizer knows where to start, taking one pile or mess at a time.


Professional Organizers will take the time to listen and understand your particular needs and struggles. The idea is to create a system that meets the customers specific needs and lifestyle. It will also be easy to maintain.

Teach and Transfer

Organizers don’t just organize, they teach clients the know-how of organizing and do their best to transfer good organizing skills to others.

Organizing your home is one of the best things you can do to feel more comfortable and productive in your space. The list of benefits that organization brings is surprisingly long.  Next time, we will explore that amazing list.